COFFEE SHOPS – the most visited places
CAFE, COFFEE HOUSE COFFEE SHOP Style Design IMAGEMAN. Coffee shops are the most visited places around the world. Almost everyone consumes at least one cup of coffee a day. It would seem that there are coffee shops at every corner and block, however, it’s still not enough. They are varied by their interiors, menus, presentation, and attitude to the client. The very first coffee shop in the world opened in Constantinople in the 16th century, and only a couple of centuries later, the culture of drinking coffee spread throughout Europe. Then coffee shops began to open In all big cities, where people were gathering for interests.
Currently, there are coffee shops all over the world and even in the most remote and sparsely populated ones. Coffee Shop chain brands are the most popular, however little unique places can easily compete with them. In addition to all the components of the restaurant business, the interior design of coffee shops is one of the fundamental aspects of a thriving business, on which traffic and further customer loyalty are directly dependent.
There are many types of coffee shops: roadside vans with takeaway coffee, an island in a shopping center, a window on the first floor of a residential building, vending machines, and finally full-fledged coffee shops.
To make the client feel comfortable
Full-fledged coffee shops have a hall with a sufficient number of seats and a kitchen. But at the same time, they must always provide a “to go” service. Because coffee is the product most often consumed on the go. In these cafes, where people have business meetings for coffee, get-togethers with friends, or just sit for hours at work alone. The design plays a decisive role. To make the client feel comfortable and return periodically, it is necessary to create a comfortable environment.
Before you open a coffee shop, you need to decide on the style. Whichever style you choose, you should pay attention to the hall where clients spend their time. Open space and enough seating are important here. The design should be light and easy to understand, with nothing intrusive. Customers do not visit a coffee shop as thoroughly as a restaurant, it is a kind of “way station” during the day. But this does not mean that the interior should be dull and boring. It should have bright and memorable focuses that catch the visitor, arouse interest in him, and a desire to return.